Blog | Perspectives

Women on Well-Being | Perspectives

Written by Perspectives | Mar 7, 2023 9:12:59 PM

In honor of Women's History Month and International Women's Day, we're proud to feature some of the remarkable women here at Perspectives and celebrate the important work we do to help individuals, teams, and organizations thrive by supporting their mental and emotional health.

Read on to learn how these women prioritize well-being at home and in the workplace. 

Nicky Bernhard

Account Manager

Jill Hinrichs

Senior Consultant

Stephanie Jackson

Senior Account Manager

Kelly Lee

Practice Manager

Sunette Thompson, MA

Account Manager

Jasmine Pease, LSW

Access Center Counselor

Wendy Sobczyk

Proposal Writer and Sales Coordinator



How do you prioritize your well-being?

  • Kelly Lee, Practice Manager:  I take time for myself every day to do something I love. I work out 3 days per week, I attend to my 100 or so houseplants, and in the summer I garden. I play with my dogs and cat throughout the day. And if I am feeling stressed, I take a few minutes to grab a cup of tea, look out at the trees, and just breathe.
  • Wendy Sobczyk, Proposal Writer and Sales Coordinator:  I prioritize well-being by managing my schedule and making sure I'm not saying "yes" to more things than my bandwidth. 
  • Sunette Thompson, Account Manager: I start each day with an hour self-care ritual of prayer, yoga, and meditation. Starting my day by prioritizing ME makes for a day where I am better able to navigate any unforeseen challenges that may arise. 
  • Jill Hinrichs, Senior Consultant:  Getting enough sleep. Since COVID-19 hit, I learned a lot about how much sleep I actually needed versus how much I was getting. We are told an average of 8 hours – but that is just it – it’s an average, some people only need 6 or 7 whereas I learned I truly need 9 hours. So I put my phone away at 9 pm and go to bed! 
  • Nicky Bernhard, Account Manager:  I prioritize my well-being by exercising daily. This could be a walk in the park, a 30-minute HIIT workout, or a yoga practice. This routine helps alleviate anxiety and builds my confidence.  
  • Jasmine Pease, Access Center Counselor: I make sure I stay consistent with therapy, medications, and doctor's appointments. Many people like to bring up self-care, journaling, etc. Those are all still very important things! But we sometimes forget to discuss some of the deeper or more taboo things that help keep us well. I think it is important to know what your needs are and what works best for YOUR mind, body, and soul!
  • Stephanie Jackson, Senior Account Manager: I exercise twice a day 6 days a week.  Focus on my nutrition. I eat a clean high protein diet. I drink a gallon to gallons of water a day. I keep up with yearly physicals and mammograms. I read positive affirmations daily. I sleep 6-8 hours a night. I have a circle of other positive women in my life and we pour into each other.

What makes you feel supported in the workplace?

  • Jasmine Pease: I feel supported in the workplace, simply when I am treated as human. We all have personal issues, we all make mistakes, etc. It is nice to know that you are cared for on a deeper level than just an employee. I love working for a place that treats mental health as a priority. 
  • Sunette Thompson: Having colleagues with whom I enjoy working and growing with! 
  • Jill Hinrichs: My boss and my team. I feel very lucky to work at Perspectives. There is a saying “You are the average of the people you spend the most time with.” And we spend 40+ hours a week at work; with the people we work with. I pinch myself at how lucky I am to work with such an amazing team. Join Us!
  • Stephanie Jackson: A place where I can be my authentic self and have a sense of belonging. Having my professional expertise respected.
  • Nicky Bernhard: Responsive leaders that offer ways to solve a problem or take time to teach me a new skill makes me feel supported and that my growth in the company is valued.  
  • Wendy Sobczyk: A genuine knowledge and compassion of family work-life balance. It is empowering to know that my hours are flexible to accommodate personal/family things that come up or that I need to attend to. Learn it's okay to find an employer than supports your personal needs. Things have changed a lot over the last decades.

Share a tip, tool, or piece of advice to help the women in your life to be mentally healthy. 

  • Nicky Bernhard:I think that women need to remember it is ok to not be ok. Reaching out to a friend or a loved one is important during those moments and sometimes a good conversation over a cup of coffee can make a huge impact on your well-being.  Connecting with others is what life is all about!
  • Jill Hinrichs: My tip/tool/advice is about embracing strengths and learning how to mitigate weaknesses. It has been healthy for me (mentally and otherwise) to take a realistic, honest assessment of myself and my work/life performance and identify my strengths and weaknesses. I am constantly seeking to strengthen myself and come up with a plan to overcome my challenges. 
  • Jasmine Pease: Just know you are never alone in whatever you are feeling. There are so many women that struggle with mental health just because of the lack of discussion around it. Don't be afraid to seek help from loved ones, friends, professionals, or whoever may be in your corner! You matter and you are loved. 
  • Stephanie Jackson: Always put yourself first and pour into yourself before pouring into others. You can’t pour into yourself if your cup is empty from giving to others above yourself.
  • Sunette Thompson: Write a list of things that you enjoy and commit to doing at least one of those things from your list monthly. 
  • Kelly Lee: I tell my kids that they can't control how others think, feel or react. They can only control their own thoughts, feelings, and reactions. I say, be honest with yourself and take a minute to understand why you are feeling/thinking/reacting to something. If it is truly causing you distress, it is ok to remove yourself from the situation until you can gather your thoughts and approach the situation calmly. We won't always agree with others, and that is ok. Not everyone has the same life experiences, and we don't have others' life experiences. And there's my mother's golden rule, if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all.  

Interested in reading more from the Perspectives team?

You can read last year’s blog from Women’s History Month where we talked to six women in leadership at Perspectives. They share how they support other women, who inspire them, and what makes them proud. 

Is there a woman in your company that inspires you?

Let us know below or submit her to be featured in an upcoming Well-Being Spotlight. Send their name, email, and why you are nominating them to