Blog | Perspectives

Parenting and Technology

Written by Perspectives | May 31, 2023 11:00:00 AM

For Elementary School Age Children: 

  1. Set limits: Create age-appropriate boundaries for technology use and stick to them. Limit screen time and restrict access to certain apps or websites.

  2. Monitor their activity: Keep an eye on your child's online activity, including social media use, and regularly check their browsing history.

  3. Teach them about online safety: Educate your child on the importance of protecting their personal information and how to identify and avoid potential online threats.  

  4. Encourage communication: Create an environment where your child feels comfortable talking to you about their online experiences and concerns.  

  5. Use parental controls: Use parental control features on devices and apps to restrict access to inappropriate content and limit the type of information your child can share online. 

For Middle Schoolers: 

  1. Teach responsible social media use: Discuss the importance of responsible social media use, including the potential consequences of sharing inappropriate content or engaging in cyberbullying.

  2. Educate on privacy settings: Teach your child how to set privacy settings on social media and other online accounts to limit access to their personal information.

  3. Discuss online reputation: Talk to your child about the importance of maintaining a positive online reputation and how their online activity can impact their future.

  4. Be aware of friend requests: Encourage your child to only accept friend requests from people they know in real life and to report any suspicious activity.  

  5. Monitor online friendships: Keep an eye on your child's online friendships and ensure they are communicating with people who are appropriate and safe. 

For Teenagers: 

  1. Set boundaries: Discuss and set boundaries with your teenager on technology use and social media activity.

  2. Discuss potential online dangers: Talk to your teenager about potential online dangers such as cyberbullying, online predators, and identity theft.  

  3. Encourage responsible online behavior: Emphasize the importance of responsible online behavior and the potential consequences of engaging in inappropriate activity.

  4. Keep communication open: Maintain open communication with your teenager and make sure they feel comfortable talking to you about their online experiences and concerns.

  5. Monitor online activity: Regularly check your teenager's online activity and browsing history and consider using parental control features to limit access to inappropriate content. 

It's important for parents to stay informed and involved in their children's online lives to ensure their safety and security in today's digital age. 

Sources for information related to parenting and technology include: 

These sources provide helpful information and resources for parents and caregivers who want to ensure their children's safety and security when it comes to technology, online threats, and social media. 

Check out more resources for parents and caregivers.